martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

The 13th Warrior

After the introductory powerpoint you will see the USA film "The Thirteenh Warrior" , which is based on Michael Crichton's pseudo-historical novel Eaters of the Dead. In order to revise the different topics you have learned about in class for the last weeks you are asked to answer the following questions while watching the film.

-Where and when is the action set?
-Can you see any social hierarchy in the groups depicted in this film?
-Compare the Arab and the Viking government system.

-Which evidence have you found in the film to prove that Vikings were superstitious?
-How does Ahmed learn the language spoken by the Norsemen? Which language is this?
 -Can the Norsemen in this film read or write? Why do you know?
-Which enemy does the group of Vikings have to fight against?
-Do you think that this film is entirely historical? Why?

Voluntary task.
Do a portfolio about the historical background and the legend of Beowulf to hand in on the last day before Easter holiday.

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