martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

Modern Times (1936), by Charles Chaplin

Quality of these clips from Youtube is low, so I'd try to watch the film online or, simply, download it.

Don't forget to make a list of those topics from the Industrial Revolution you have learned in class which appear in the film. 
Finally, write a composition (only 250 words) about the comparison which can be made between those topics and the situation resulting from the Depression Chaplin lived . Some ideas you can use are: What did Chaplin think about industrialisation? Which social class is Chaplin's favourite one according to the film? Can you conceive of an ideological reason for Chaplin to defend this social class? Is the situation in the post-Depression USA similar to the one you have studied for England in the 18th century? What's your opinion about the film? Give arguments.
You'll have to hand in this composition on the first Friday after Christmas holidays.

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